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Tiffany Oda


Community Operations Professional

Process Streamlining  Automation & Scale 

 Platforms & Tech Stack  Roadmapping

 Vendor Management  Community ROI  Migrations  Project Management  

 Reporting  Integrations  Data 


Bringing operational excellence to communities


Proven expertise bringing operational excellence to communities.

I helped transform the Salesforce Trailblazer Community from a highly manual, spreadsheet-driven organization to true best-in-class operational excellence. During my time there, I brought documented, scalable processes both internally and externally, implemented and migrated platforms, scoped and project managed new community tools and resources for the team and the community members, and accomplished items like: 

  • Implemented Salesforce Sales Cloud, Experience Cloud (formerly Community Cloud), and Service Cloud with the community team’s business needs and customizations. 

  • Implemented and managed the tech stack, including consolidating event management platforms by migrating data from Splash and Meetup and implementing Bevy, implementing a swag microsite, and the Salesforce products mentioned above.

  • Managed the project scoping, creation, and launch of community Trailblazer Community Group tools like a Reimbursement Portal, Group Leader Directory, Knowledge Base, and Content Library.

  • Managed the Salesforce MVP Program and created a nominations and feedback platform, in addition to establishing internal tools and processes for reviewing and decisioning on Salesforce MVP classes. 

  • Managed all team budget, including actuals, forecasts, and potential risk areas pertaining to security and scalability. 

  • Built reports and dashboards to monitor community health, program success, and ensured high data integrity.


Since leaving Salesforce, I’ve focused on bringing knowledge and awareness of Community Operations practices to the community industry by providing thought leadership in written content, speaking at events, conferences, and podcasts, hosting workshops, and being active in the space.


Community Operations is an essential component to community, a perfect balance between the front and back of the house.

Book a Consultation

I provide a variety of consulting services for companies and community teams. Whether you are just starting your community and are looking for a minimum viable community structure for launch, or an enterprise company looking for optimizations and ways to efficiently scale your community and launch new community programs, I’d love to chat with you. 


Consulting Services


Specific problem, program, platform, or process questions

Hire or Be Hired

Looking to hire or be hired for a CommOps role


Help creating a roadmap for your community planning 

Program Management

Organization and planning guidance for a project, initiative, or program


Process Optimization

Processes that could be made more streamline, effective, and automated

Operational Assessment

Health assessment for  your team's operations, what you're doing well, and opportunities for improvement

Tools & Platforms

Identify new platforms, improve existing platforms, improve integration, and general tech stack management


CommOps has a wide scope. Feel free to reach out, and we can chat to see if it's something I can help you with.

10 Minute Call

Complimentary introduction call to discuss your community needs

*Limited to 1 per person

30 Min Call

Paid consultation ideal for a specific problem or initiative, or project check-in.

60 Min Call

Paid consultation ideal for brainstorming, roadmapping, or a more complex topic.

Contact Us

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Can't wait to hear from you!

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